If you want to blast the surface of numerous pieces of the same size, you don't want to do without efficient processing.
Easy to operate thanks to good visibility window
Easy to operate thanks to an easily visible viewing window.
The TR 70, TR 70 EA and TR 80 injector blast machines from SIGG Strahltechnik offer the best working conditions for blasting small to medium-sized workpieces. The effective injector blasting principle works with a blasting head in which a high flow velocity is generated by an upstream air nozzle. Due to the negative pressure in the blast head mixing chamber, the abrasive is sucked in from the mixing chamber, directed over the blast nozzle immediately downstream and blasted onto the surface. The abrasive thereby develops an enormous velocity, which achieves an abrasive effect. The TR 70, TR 70 EA and the TR 80 with their powerful blasting guns are used in numerous industries.